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Changes that occurred after Practicing
Next session 20 of February 2025, 12-00 EST time
It's helps me to be heard as a decisive leader.
How you hold your body when you speak makes a tremendous difference in what is heard by others. Stuart is very skilled in showing you that. My body actions reflected the way my mind worked. I became a lot more aware of the subtle communication I was doing all the time with its pros and cons. Once I realized what I was doing at a subtle level, I could choose to do more things on a conscious level for more success. It's allowed me to increase my communication skills. I learned how to hold my body in a more solid, grounded way.
Gail DaMert, CEO, DaMert Company
I've become a more effective leader.
My past management style was very hands-on, very emotional, very high energy. In the past, when I worked with people day in and day out, they knew my style, appreciated it and respected me for what I was able to help them be and become. If I wanted to continue to lead people I had to learn a new way to do it and Stuart helped me to do that. In my latest position I have less dealings with people on a daily basis. Stuart offered me an opportunity to be in control of a situation, be able to get the same results I always have, but in a more effective way.
Mike Huppert, Executive Vice President, Canned Foods Outlets
Stuart Heller is a Wind Horseman.
If you haven't already learned to feel the subtle wind/mind in your practice, he will teach you. If you already work with it, Stuart will definitely improve your practice. He continues to benefit my practice.
Ningje (Paula Chichester), Tibetan Buddhist Nun
I am enormously grateful.
This is now a new platform upon which I can and will build the rest of my life.You are a powerful example of the kind of results that acceptance (of both our past actions and our future possibilities) as well as disciplined study can produce. My sincere thanks for this contribution to my life and for opening a big possibility for me for the future for integrating peace, power and contribution to others.

Ruthe Otte, former President of Discovery Channel
Stuart has a very uncommon perspective.
He is very good at seeing the whole picture and all its components, and in relating it back to us in a way we can hear. With various team-building exercises, Stuart has helped us to understand the bigger dynamic of the relationships and to successfully deal with any reactivity we may have. People can actually change their behavior in a way that works and feels good. The work has helped us to let go of old habits and adopt new behaviors that support what we want to accomplish.
Marty Mazzanti, Chairman of the Board, The Produce Exchange
Executives Report
Stuart and Carol were wonderful. The session worked extremely well. All were engaged and got so much from the presentation. Before it ended, Stuart had our entire team eating from his hand. Everyone was very complimentary. He hit the right balance and delivered exactly what we needed. Everyone is still buzzing about the 1/2 day they spent with them.

Lita B. Gwinn, Senior Consultant, Verizon, Data Services Network Operations
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